Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Kymeta's Antennas Deployed Into Puerto Rico
Antennas from Redmond, Washington-based Kymeta is getting one of its first deployments under real-world conditions in Puerto Rico, as part of an effort by satellite operator Intelsat to bring Internet connectivity and aid to the ravaged U.S. island. According to Intelsat, as part of a broader effort to use its satellite services to help hurricane-ravaged islands throughout the Caribbean, it is working with Kymeta, and is using its antennas to provide mobile communications to Liberty Global Puerto Rico, which is running a roving "Wi-fi tour" to bring connectivity to remote Puerto Rico towns. Kymeta's roof-mounted, flat panel antennas have apparently been installed on three vehicles to offer up satellite broadband. Apparently that broadband is already being used by locals to fill out FEMA applications online.